Kite Day 2021 Term 2

Friday the 14th 2021 

 So last year we had a kite day but it happened when we were in lock down and some people were at school but not many.Last week on Friday we had another kite day we made the kites in Whetu Challenge time we had two hours to make our kites and I worked with Heidi. The materials we use were Paper, Felts, Bamboo, Ribbon, String, one Stick and Duct tape. The challenging part was probably sticking the ribbon onto the paper with the duct tape because the tape didn't quite stick and I was getting a bit frustrated so I stuck another piece of tape on. Our Kite didn't fly on Friday but on Monday it was a bit windy so everyone in our class and flew there kites and most of them flew with the wind like ours did. I think the reason why our kite didn't really fly was because the duct tape was a bit too heavy.


  1. Hi OJ your kite looks amazing I like It how you add the nice tale and I like It how you work with new people.

  2. I love It how you decorated your kite.


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