Week 5, Term 1, 2021

 Week 5, Term 1, 2021

Monday was our school Swimming Sports. On the day I raced in 5 different strokes. My favourite one was 2 lengths breaststroke, 1 length breaststroke, 1 length backstroke, 1 length freestyle. I am super proud of myself for doing 2 lengths. I never done 2 lengths before!!!!

We had two art sessions this week and I ma with Mrs Loft and Mrs Heaven and we are doing Modigliani. Modigliani is a type of portrait but they have a very long neck almond shaped eyes and a very small mouth. In our next art session we are going to either chose to paint or pastel our Modigliani portraits. I think I might do paint and make mine a SUPERNOVA and super bright also make it POP!!!!!!!

In reading this week we have been reading this book called The Magic Finger by Ronald Dahl and we are Book Detectives with Mrs Loft and Mrs Heaven. I am in a group called Mauve.

Part of our maths programme is NumBots and I think I am getting better and better each time. I think I am improving alot and I am getting faster and faster.


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