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 Week 4, Term 1, 2021

The most fun thing we have done during class time this week is swimming lesson's bc I am not a great swimmer and I feel that I am getting better and better every morning. I also liked doing takaro yesterday when it was just outside I did a mixture of things. First I playing on the playground with some of my friends the then I played with Chloe with the skipping ropes, Then I went to go and play with my another friend group (Scarlett, Shirley, Lola, Haven and Marley.

When I am swimming I think I am improving... On my freestyle because I am always stop after one or two i stop but now I do not have to stop. I can also dive now YAY.

We created our Whetū stars on Thursday and they look Amazing, the are going to look even more amazing in the night sky.

Next week we have our school swimming sports. I am feeling a little bit nervous and excited


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