Week 1 Reflection

Week 1 Reflection

What has been my highlight this week Dress Up Friday cause it was cool to see everyone dressed up and seeing my friends because I haven't seen them in a while only by video call.

What was I nervous about this week coming back to school because I thought i forgot something that I had to bring to school.

For dress up day I dressed up as A Snow Leopard because that is all we had in the dress up cupboard and this only fits me

The funniest thing has has happened this week is seeing everyone dress up cause some are really funny. The other one is Owen said I have Laughing Disease that made me LOL

I think the best dressed person was Victoria because she looks like an actual cat I think she was dressed up as bad kitty and that what she looks like.


  1. Yes I agree Victoria's costume is great! Im glad you have been enjoying your first week back at school


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