
Showing posts from August, 2021

OJ's amazing Lockdown stories

 So we are in Lockdown which was unexpected. But I have been doing at lot like Baking, Drawing and Coloring, Playing with animals, Training for cross country and  annoying my siblings. I also have been doing puzzles with my sister. Last night My Dad, My Brother,  My sister's and I made Smores they were delicious if you do not know what Smores are the are biscuits with chocolate, marshmallows with one more biscuits and it is like a biscuit sandwich.   Today I am or some other day  going to make a hutt in my lounge with my lounge suite and it will so cool I will add some photos later  

Play, Make,Create Term 3 Week 2

 This week I worked with Bella and we made a witches house and her and her cat. The story we read today was Mrs Blackhat it was such a cool story because the person that read made her voice actually sounded like a witch.  My favourite part was the science book that I added into the house 

Play, Make, Create. Term 3 Week 1 2021

  This week for Play, Make and Create I worked with Heidi and we made our own Café with a cash register with money inside of the cash register we also made a fundraising box with money also inside of it next to the fundraising box is the menu's for the kids and adults with a drinks menu aswel we also made a Kids Activity Pack for the kids at the Café if they get bored waiting for the food which would most likely not happen because at H and O's we make sure that the customer's aren't waiting to long. The prices are really cheap.