
OJ's amazing Lockdown stories

 So we are in Lockdown which was unexpected. But I have been doing at lot like Baking, Drawing and Coloring, Playing with animals, Training for cross country and  annoying my siblings. I also have been doing puzzles with my sister. Last night My Dad, My Brother,  My sister's and I made Smores they were delicious if you do not know what Smores are the are biscuits with chocolate, marshmallows with one more biscuits and it is like a biscuit sandwich.   Today I am or some other day  going to make a hutt in my lounge with my lounge suite and it will so cool I will add some photos later  

Play, Make,Create Term 3 Week 2

 This week I worked with Bella and we made a witches house and her and her cat. The story we read today was Mrs Blackhat it was such a cool story because the person that read made her voice actually sounded like a witch.  My favourite part was the science book that I added into the house 

Play, Make, Create. Term 3 Week 1 2021

  This week for Play, Make and Create I worked with Heidi and we made our own Café with a cash register with money inside of the cash register we also made a fundraising box with money also inside of it next to the fundraising box is the menu's for the kids and adults with a drinks menu aswel we also made a Kids Activity Pack for the kids at the Café if they get bored waiting for the food which would most likely not happen because at H and O's we make sure that the customer's aren't waiting to long. The prices are really cheap. 

Play, Make, Create Term 2 Week 9

 This week fro Play, Make, Create we read a book called We are all EQUAL. It was a story about if someone is bigger or smaller than you we are all still equal and it doesn't matter about the size you are.   I worked with Kiarna. We made a playground for a snake that we called Snorty and a panda that we called Dotty. We did those animals because they aren't exactly the same they both have a difference like they eat and do different things. My favourite part was the swing that we made. I think that next time we should try to add a bit more colour or add some of the animals friends. We also made a rock climbing wall.

Play, Make,Create Term 2, Week 3


Play, Make, Create. term 2 Week 8

 This week for Play, Make, Create I made a rainbow collage. I go put into a group with the teachers to help me with my learning a bit because I haven't really been getting my work done but today I worked by my self I think for now on I should start working by myself. When I started making the rainbow I just drew lines so  it would of been just a colour chart not a rain bow collage. I had so much fun doing this. this week. My favourite part was probably cutting and gluing the pictures from the magazines. 

Tower Whetu Challenge .

 This week for Whetu Challenge we did Can you Build This which is where we had to work in 4's or 3's and had to make tower out of newspaper . I worked with Brooklyn, Olivia.M, and Katara. We had a bit of struggle at the start and then we figured some different ways to try to build. Katara was cutting and giving the sellotape to us and Olivia was making the tower, Brooklyn and I were rolling the newspaper tightly. I had the best time. This week was a lot better than last week because last week I worked with a couple of people that did not work really well. We make a frame this time and it made the tower stand very good but at the end when we had to finish up it fell over.